Domestic distribution box is in accordance with the requirements of the electrical wiring will s电话:0635-8252177witch equipment, measuring instruments and protection of electric equipment and auxiliary equipment in a closed or semi-closed metal cabinet, constitute a low voltage distribution box. When running normally, the circuit can be switched on or of兄弟变压器有限公司f manually or automatically. Use protective equipment to cut off the circuit or alarm whenmalfunction or abnormal operation. Various parameters in operation can be displayed with the help of the measuring instrument, and some electrical parameters can be adjusted, which can prompt or signal the deviationfrom normal operation.Wenzhou fanchuang electric co., LTD. Is specialized in the production of dist公司的产品质量考核办法十几年几经修改完善,从未间断,每月考核,严格兑现,对稳定和提高产品质量起到了很好的作用。公司经常从国内外同行吸取对该公司产品有益的东西,持续不断的改进,赢得用户的满意和巩固销售市场。公司依靠优良的产品和优质的服务,经近二十年坚持不懈的努力,打造出了自己的成熟的市场,与山东、山西、河北、天津、北京、甘肃、内蒙、黑龙江、河南、江苏等十几个省、市的82家省、市、县级供电企业和数百家大用户,建立起了稳定业务关系,并出口到菲律宾、伊朗、肯尼亚、印度尼西亚等国家和地区。ribution boxes and low-voltage distribution products. The main products have series of inheritance box, powerdistribution cabinets, domestic distribution box, stainless steel distribution box, complete sets of high and low voltage power d电话:0635-8252188istribution cabinets, etc., and can customize va 公司是以生产220千伏及以下电力变压器、干式变压器、美式箱变、欧式箱变等为主的输配电设备及高低压成套电力设备的制造企业,是国家经贸委推荐的“全国城乡电网建设与改造主要设备生产厂家”之一。公司现占地44029平米,建筑面积23060平米。公司总资产112185万元,其中:固定资产13150万元,拥有各类生产设备和试验仪器仪表共计1196台套。 rious kinds of special requirements for the userof power distribution and power products, if you are interested in our products, welcome to inquiry message.